Six Sunday circles
for international friendships, creativity and all sorts of wonders in the new year... x
* This was first posted in our private FB group 29/12/24
Hi everyone,
A newness shone through ideas for our Sundays yesterday, and I realised how rare it is to have safe spaces that are life-giving and healing and that welcome our beautiful, pure soul authenticity x
Spaces where we share, are present, never aiming to ‘fix’ but to listen to each other, where all is gently ok, and to begin to hear our own inner soul voice and guidance, the one who knows us best of all x and in the company of others.
Encouraging, gentle, respectful, and at our own pace.
Also being alone, together – a paradox that is so so nurturing and respectful and healing x
- The effect reminds me of the lines in the wonderful Derek Walcott poem, ‘Love After Love’,
'The time will come when, with elation, you will greet yourself arriving at your own door, in your own mirror, and each will smile at the other’s welcome…'
'Give back your heart to itself, to the stranger who has loved you all your life… who knows you by heart.'
Then, so beautiful it made me smile, as these synchronicities happen all the time - I picked up a book ordered months ago that I’ve been meaning to read, ‘A Hidden Wholeness’ (Thomas Merton line) by the wonderful Parker J Palmer ... it opened… on the Walcott poem.
A book all about integrating our soul into our lives, living from this wholeness, with integrity, authenticity, being who we truly are at last, and living ‘Divided No More’. Having the courage to discover, unveil and shine our inner soul lights and finding more and more places where we can nurture this courage. When we live a divided life, which is so understandable, through societal expectations, hiding, fears, we feel anxious, depressed, fraudulent …. it becomes impossible and painful.
None of this is new, of course, but there is a beautiful shift and upsurge and gentle and strong clarion call right now, all around, so enlivening, strong, fresh and clear…
I’ve had periods of deep depression and anxiety throughout my life, and also an unwavering light (seemingly inaccessible at times, but always, always here and I knew it as a very young child). So much joy, natural wonder and joy that isn’t caused by anything at all, sheer wonder, beyond any ‘concept’ of wonder – that just IS.
I’ve come to appreciate the truly authentic moments, times, people, spaces and places in my life and want to be in and with these more and more, and I really feel our small Creativity and Wonder community and our sessions together embody this. The feedback so wonderfully supports this too. Now in our 12th cycle, they've grown so beautifully into this.
I came across the following in The Hidden Wholeness, from the president of a college who has written about the ‘small-scale circles’ she convenes to maintain her sense of wholeness whilst living a complex life/job…
‘I come together with people who bring out my better self, friends with whom I can be authentic. I make it a point to connect, whenever possible with people with whom I have a history of shared joy and shared pain, who call forth in me this feeling of safety.’
Her small circles of trust – so beautiful.
Inspired by this, I thought I’d add ‘circles’ to our Sundays this time, as her description felt so true to me for our sessions, too🌷🙏
It would be lovely to see you again if you're free and would like to come along for more creativity and wonder together in the new year. x
The full poem…
‘Love after Love’ from Collected Poems 1948-1984 by Derek Walcott
Palmer, Parker J. (2009) A Hidden Wholeness: The Journey Toward an Undivided Life. 1st edn. Jossey Bass.